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A tribute to the wonderful German Shorthaired Pointers with which we have been blessed to share our lives and homes over the years and those we love today!



Adam and Sassy had a litter of 4 boys and 7 girls, born March 7, 2015.



SIRE (Father):

GCH. VJK-Myst Marvel’s Adam X-Treme (Adam)

(Ch. VJK Berihill Bolero x Ch. VJK-Myst Bring It On)

Adam's Pedigree

Group Winner/Specialty Winner

OFA Excellent, CERF, CD Normal

OFA Knees, Normal Thyroid, OFA Cardiac

LD Clear, Dilute negative

CHIC 76294

DAM (Mother):

Sharpmtn's Moonlight Drive (Sassy)

(Ch. Shooter's Valentino, SH x Ch. Sharpmtn Driven, JH)

Sassy's Pedigree

Show points, personal gun dog

OFA Good, CERF, Cardiac Normal

Puppy Photos

BMW (Beemer) is now called Bea and she lives with Toni in NM:

Bentley is still called Bentley:

Chevy is still called Chevy:

Dodge is now called Remington:

Ferrari is now called Ariel:

Fiat is now called Sassy (just like Mom):

Ford is now called Rider and he lives with Michelle in Texas:

Lexus is now called Scout - she lives in Texas with her “little brother” Chief from our April 2017 litter:

Mercedes is now called Max:

Porsche is now called Maisey:

Tesla is now called Tessa Rae:

See the MAR-KEY GSPS page for more photos of these puppies!

Thank you, Dr. Jill Warren, for show points on both Rider and Bea!

Thank you, Dr. Jill Warren, for show points on both Rider and Bea!