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A tribute to the wonderful German Shorthaired Pointers with which we have been blessed to share our lives and homes over the years and those we love today!



GCH. JOY and GCHB. ADAM announce the arrival of 4 boys and 4 girls 4/13/2017!

Agility Alert:  3 weeks old - these puppies are already running through a tunnel!

June 3:  Temperament tests and photos done today! Introduced to birds - we be bird dogs!


SIRE (Father):

GCHB. CH. VJK-Myst Marvel’s Adam X-Treme (Adam)

(Ch. VJK Berihill Bolero x Ch. VJK-Myst Bring It On)

Adam's Pedigree

Group Winner/Specialty Winner

OFA Excellent, CERF, CD Normal

OFA Knees, Normal Thyroid, OFA Cardiac

LD Clear, Dilute negative, vWD II negative

CHIC 76294

DAM (Mother):

GCH. CH. Markey's Joy Ride (Joy)

(CH. Southwind's Rock Slide from NewPoint, MH CD RN VCA x Sharpmtn's Moonlight Drive)

Joy's Pedigree

CHIC 111332

OFA Good, CERF, OFA Cardiac,

CD Normal, OFA Elbows

Puppy Photos

Here are the 8 little Easter Bunnies:

PUPPY 1 - boy - Benjamin.  He is now called "River" and has moved to Arkansas.

PUPPY 2 - boy - Thumper.  mar-key's be brave-it's easy!  is awesome in Houston, TX

See Thumper do Agility on YouTube. Here is another from Summer 2018. We are so proud of Deva and Thumper.

PUPPY 3 - girl - Hazel.  She is now called "Grace" and she has moved to Austin, TX.

PUPPY 4 - girl - Ruby.  Ruby, now called "Piper," has moved to colorado springs, co.

puppy 5 - Girl - Blossom.  She is now called "bella" and lives in Albuquerque, nm.

Puppy 6 - Girl - Lola.  Mar-key's life in the fast lane.  Lola is staying with toni.

Puppy 7 - Boy - Peter.  He is now "Chief" and Lives in Houston, with Scout (March 2015).

Puppy 8 - Boy - Roger.  He is now called "Honker" and lives in Amarillo, tx.